Interviewer: Thanks for setting aside time to meet.
Interviewee: My pleasure.
Interviewer Any plans for the summer?
Interviewee: Absolutely, Memorial Day, the 4th, vacations, air travel, perhaps time for a cruise, etc.
Interviewer: Family time?
Interviewee: Yes, uncle Arcturus (XBB.1.16) visiting from India, others still spreading around the world.
Interviewer: What can we expect?
Interviewee: A fan of Pink Eye and very social!
Interviewer: Worried about the newest booster shot.
Interviewee: 16.9% of people with updated booster doses. I’m good.
Interviewer: COVID-19 deaths still happening?
Interviewee: Lost count at seven million, give or take.
Interviewer: What happened on May 11th?
Interviewee: WHO declares COVID-19, no longer a Public Health Emergency!