I was born and raised in Yonkers, New York. I know what real pizza tastes like and I know that a bagel is more then a roll with a hole in the middle. And it's a wedge, not a hoagie, a sub, or a grinder. I wash it down with soda, not pop or cola. Yeah, I'll "cawl" you later so we can "tawk". I don't go down to the shore, it's called the beach. When I say "the city" you know which one I'm talking about. I cut the r's off the end of most words, like "mirra" instead of "mirror" and "wawda" instead of "water" and "draw" instead of "drawer". And we call it "cawfee" not "caafee" I was born and raised in Yonkers!! REPOST If you're originally from Yonkers, New York!!!!!
Posted in Facebook by Scott Maynard October 7, 2017