“Open the exit gate.”
“It’s not personal. You understand that, right? It’s for the good of the community. We’re sitting targets, waiting to be picked off, one by one,” Mr. Maddox stated.
“Open the exit gate now.”
Saddled up. Exited. Startled as the gate closed. From within a buzz, undistinguished voices expressing relief? Those watching, waiting in line, interested but indifferent. Their one goal: get inside. On the ridge could see action, riders preparing to gather me in. They will soon head my way. Fulfill their mission. Snag their reward. A last look inside, Ms. Bishop gingerly waved, Mr. Maddox, unable to make eye contact, and Diana, tears flowing freely.
Danger drew nearer.
Spurred Trigger to a gallop, heading quickly toward the Barrio.