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St. Joseph Story Chapter 6: We Need An IV Team

Early that morning, technically Day 2, the night shift nurse, from Day 1, entered the room to reinstall my IV. I asked, “Is this truly necessary?”

“Yes, just in case an emergency should materialize, resulting in an immediate need to medicate.”

“Right arm please,” I asked. “You’ve done this before, right?” being sarcastic.

She stated she had practiced several times yesterday. While that may be true, she got to practice four more times on me. She tried and left me with four new puncture wounds, each covered with their own cartoon band aid. Now, I was not a happy camper and again reevaluating my hospital stay.

Attempt number 1, you will feel a pinch; “Wow, that is a tough vessel!”

Attempt number 2, after digging around; “This spot is not working!!”

Attempt number 3, with more digging about, failed again; “It looked good!!!”

Attempt number 4, with more probing; “We need an IV team!!!!”

She left humbled, or perplexed, to schedule the required personnel.

Fully aware this was to be problematic, I sat back and composed myself. It is my understanding that after years of IVs and blood draws I have scar tissue that makes it next to impossible to access a new entry point. Apparently, it was my fault. Finally, concluded she will have to schedule the IV team. IV team, what the heck? (Okay, sidebar, this story continues, but actually on day 2 of my adventure.)

Live and learn. I found out that there are individuals that are wheeling around a sonogram machine that shows exactly where the vessels are located whose single purpose is to install IVs in folks like me, apparently special.

Later, she arrived with a sonogram machine on a cart, a supply of needles and, I am hoping, a qualified technician. The question now is where the IV would to be inserted? She left to confer with the nurse on duty who, and upon reading my chart, returned and noted as close to the heart as possible. These are not normal times, but really? A guy can’t seem to catch a break! The shoulder will do! Sounds pain-full-er, but I was soon to realize this is a great place for an IV because once in, I never noticed it or bothered by it. Add that to your live-and-learn file. More about that later, let’s return to Day 1 for a few follow up thoughts.

After a couple of hours of sleep, I consumed a graham cracker and one-half of a warm diet Pepsi as I now waited for breakfast.

On to free-form prose and Day 2.


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