Fifteen more minutes. Traveling from here to who really cares where. I’m the one in the white automobile. See me? Stupid question. Why am I here and how did I find myself in this predicament, like a bad dream composed by fate? An unseen force, the unseen hand with that contemptuous smirk. The driver to the left clearly trying to squeeze in. Why not? Why think this through first? Fine, but next time…
I won the race, one out of at least one million participants. We all waited, anticipating the Big Bang. I’m not sure why I am here. I know I never volunteered. I can’t recall signing up, just in the wrong place at that moment, everyone bumping, seeking the best position. The anticipation grows.
Guy on the left is looking aggressive. Is that a cell phone? He looks angry. Over a hundred today and so humid. What a miserable day. Feels like everyone traveling in the same direction, homeward bound. An unavoidable traffic jam. Bottleneck ahead. Slow it down.
Life, it’s a funny thing. This is clearly not where I was expecting to be headed. And, in many ways, the future still a void, certainly a multitude of possibilities to be considered, but to be honest, this was a surprise. For now, just go with the flow.
Let’s pump the brakes, breathe, inhale, exhale. Here I sit in a stew of rampant chaos. Another decision over which I had no control. Should had listened to my parents. Did not wake up this morning expecting this. Sure, just another typical day. A day of ups-and-downs, conflicts interspersed with a few moments to relax. Rush here, finish this schedule then, headed home soon.
Stuck in this traffic was not my idea. A driver, not using her turn signal, forces her way in, nearly colliding with the idiot texting ahead cluelessly, brake. Makes one wonder what one’s purpose in life is, all going this way and that, circle here, turn there, the exit approaching. Everyone unique. Special.
Pace yourself, looking ahead, gridlock. All these years, the schooling, the opportunities, dreams, plans, consideration of opportunity cost, and it still feels like the inevitable has arrived. Sharing the road with strangers, they go to work, go home, this way, that way, tousled through life, frail, seeking the best outcome, competing with everyone. The end predetermined.
Ever consider who designed this interchange. Sat around considering possibilities. Ultimately, men, women bottled in by this plan, this is it, ridged, regulated, random, and is someone honking, cursing, speeding, racing for position, and everything seemingly, totally out of your control. And you, of course, you're just as pushy as hundreds, no thousands, all headed elsewhere. Adrenaline pumping. Unhinged passion. Frenzied hankering.
Not everyone will survive. But, understand, not everyone can succeed. The winner will not be the fastest, or most powerful, or smartest, or agile, or, well, these are all good attributes. No, the winner will be the luckiest. Fate, the development of events over time beyond a person’s control… something destined to happen. That’s the way it is, period, end of story. I see along the roadside those who have faltered. The hot chick, the stud, the boy genius, but I just smirk as I pass by. Soon they all fade in my rear-view mirror. I am at my exit soon to arrive at Home.
It’s a dash to the finish line, egged on as we feel compelled to be number one, BANG, and I win?
I won the race!
Pregnant pause.
How is that possible? Why? And what was the prize? One out of a million or more. Pick a vehicle, everyone coming from some place, headed to some place autonomous. Everyone a winner? Everyone a loser? No one chose to be that one in a million.