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Family Reunion 1936

A door swings briefly open and a loved, one slips away. Slips, smiling, from life’s shadows into life eternal. Where earthly, grief is forgotten, where pain shall be no more. To peace, past understanding, God has opened wide the door.

Written by Clata B. Taylor in memory of her uncle Nelson A. Maynard, who passed to his reward July 3rd, 1936, after long life of faithfullness to his church, the community, and to his family


Nelson A. Maynard, 93 a lifelong resident of the Troy., Pa section, died Friday, July 3, 1936, at his home in Farmers’ Valley. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Jennie Case, Mrs. Ella Dickinson and Miss Lucy Maynard, all of Troy, and a son Amasa Maynard, of Alba; seven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. The funeral was held Monday at 2 p. m. At the home.

Source: Elmira Star-Gazett (Elmira, New York) Mon, Jul 6, 1936 - Page 13

It was voted to hold the eleventh reunion of Maynard and Robinson families at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ingham Maynard Lyons, N.Y.

Sat. Aug 1st, 1936


Pres. Ingram Maynard

Vice. Pres. Delbert Maynard

Treas. Mrs. Nellie Edgar

Sec’y. Clara B. Taylor

Refreshment Committee

Mrs. Gordon Case

“ Walter Maynard

“ Delbert Maynard

“ Carla Maynard

Miss Lucy M. Maynard

Entertainment Committee

Mrs. Louis Herrman


Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Maynard son Hugh Robert Dec. 11th, 1937

Barbara Mae Connelly born Dec 25th, 1936


Nelson A Maynard

July 3rd, 1936 in his ninety-fourth year.

Eleventh annual reunion of Maynard & Robinson families held at teh pleasant home Mr. and Mrs. Ingham Maynard and Miss Florence Maynard.

Lyons, N.Y. Aug 1st, 1936.

Bounteous dinner was served at noon. Music and visiting was the order of the day.

1 Mrs. Gordon A. Case Troy, Pa R#1

2 Mr. “ “ “ “

3 Mrs. Nelson A. Case “

4 Mr. “ “ “ “

5 Master Robert L. Case “

6 Clara B. Taylor “

7 Mrs. Myron Robinson “

8 Mr. “ “ “ Snedekrville, Pa.

9 Edward “ “ “

10 Ja**es “ “ “

11 Miss Hattie Robinson Covington, Pa

12 Mr. Charles “ “

13 Mrs. Delbert Maynard Lyons, N.Y.

14 Mrs. “ “ “

15 Kenneth “ “

16 Mrs. Ingham “ “

17 Mr. “ “ “

18 Miss Florence “ “

19 Mrs. Florence Vollick 1623 Forest Ave West, Detroit, Mich.

20 Ray Bettles Lock Beries, N.Y.

21 Mrs. F. Wallace “

22 Mrs. Lillian Ray 5215 Bauser Blvd, Pittsburg, Pa.

23 Mrs. Clara Maynard

24 Mrs. John Robinson Morre St., Lyons, N.Y.

25 Mr. “ “ “

26 Mrs. Jesse Maynard Lyons, N.Y,

27 Mr. “ “ “

28 Jane Maynard

29 Janice “

30 Mrs. Melvin Maynard

31 Mrs. “ “

and family Corning, N.Y. R.2.

32 Louis Herman Covington, Pa

33 Mrs. Fannie Herman “

34 Mrs. Maynard H. Taylor Sylvania, Pa.

35 Miss Lois C Dickinson Pine City, N.J.

36 Master Raymond Carle “

37 Miss. Lucy M. Maynard

Collection 1936 $3.76

Expenses $2.16

(Note: there were no entries recorded in the High School Composition Book)


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