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Reunion 1943

[Note that only one of the sign-in books used this year.

President Scott Maynard

Vice President Melvin Maynard

Sec & Treas. as one person Mrs. Scott Maynard


Reunion will be held at Eldridge Park in Elmira, N. Y. Aug. (First Sat.) 1943


Bal. $3.47

Goods .84

$2.63  Bal. on hand

In attendance:

1. Mr. and Mrs. W Scott Maynard

2. Richard Maynard

3. Dick Maynard

4. Rose Mary Maynard

5. Alan Maynard

6. Ronald Maynard

755 E. Second St.

7.  Mr. Mrs. Hobart Maynard  Wellsboro R.D. 6

8.  Dolores Maynard  grand-child of Walter Maynard

9.  Barbara Maynard

10. Irene Maynard  374 Wallace Pl.

11. Mrs. Cola Maynard  Gilbert, Pa.

12. Mrs. Neva Wright  Gilbert, Pa.

13. Mrs. Damia Ashley

14. Mr. Leonard Ashley  Wellsboro R.D. 6

15. Mr. Mrs. Melvin Maynard  Corning, N.Y.

16. Norma Maynard

17. Ruth Maynard

18. Iona Maynard

19. Marian Maynard

20. Eleanor Maynard

21. Melvin Jr. Maynard

22. Elnora Maynard

23. Joanna Ashley  Wellsboro, Pa. R.D. 6

24. Fred Robinson  256 W. Hudson, St.

25. Mrs. Robinson  256 W. Hudson, St.

26. Leo Murray  256 W. Hudson, St.

27. Louis Hermann  Covington, Pa.

28. Fannie Hermann Covington, Pa.

29. C.C. Maynard  Wellsboro, Pa.

*Leonard Ashley died July 1943

Elmira Star-Gazette (Elmira, New York) Jul. 22, 1943

Deaths Elsewhere:

Leonard Ashley, 57, of Middle Ridge, Tioga County, Pa. Unexpectedly Wednesday morning, July 21, 1943. Survived by wife; daughters Mrs. William Reansner, Williamsport; Mrs. Waldo Beckhorn, Valois, N.Y.; Mrs. Richard Olmstead, Wellsboro, and Mrs. Richard Slocum, Miss Joanna Ashley and Jane Ashley, all at home; brother, Issac Ashley, Alamogordo, N.M. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.

The Wellsboro Gazette (Wellsboro, Pennsylvania) July 28, 1943

Cards of Thanks

Mrs. Leonard Ashley and family wish to thank their friends for their many acts of kindness during their recent bereavement.

The Wellsboro Gazette (Wellsboro, Pennsylvania) July 28, 1943


When Hay Wagon Tipped Over On Hs Farm,

Leonard Ashley, aged 57 years of Middle Ridge, was killed instantly Wednesday, July 21, when the hay wagon he was driving overturned. It is believed that Mr. Ashley, who was in poor health, may have had a heart attack which caused him to lose control of the team.

He was born July3, 1886, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ashley, and spent his life in this vicinity. He was a member of the Middle Ridge church.

Surviving are his widow, daughter, Mrs. William Reasner, of Williamsport; Mrs. Waldo Beckhorn, of Valois, N.Y.; Mrs. Richard Slocum, Joanna Ashley, Jane Ashley and Mrs. Richard Olmstead, all of Wellsboro, and a brother Isaac, of Alamogordo, N.M., and four grandchildren. The funeral was held Saturday; burial in the Kennedyville cemetery.

*George Maynard Jan. 29 – 1943

Men in Service

George Homer Maynard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer J Maynard has been promoted to second lieutenant after graduation from advanced flying for single engine planes at Spence Field Moultrei, Ga. He is a graduate of the Charleston High School where he was a member of the all-star basketball team.


*Melvin Maynard Oct. 1945

Elmira Star-Gazette (Elmira, New York) Nov..32, 1943

Pfc. Maynard Dead In Germany

Pfc. Melvin Maynard of Gillett died in Germany Oct. 16, his wife Mrs. Lillian Maynard, has been informed by the War Department. Pfc. was a member of the Quartermatsre Truck Corps. He entered service in November, 1942, and trained at Ft. Monmouth, N.J., and Drew Field, Fla. Overseas two years, he served in England and France before going to Germany. He was awarded the European Theater of Operations ribbon with two battle stars and the Good Conduct Medal.

Besides his wife, he is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cole Maynard; brothers Lester and Rexford, all of Gillett; a sister Mrs. Pauline Woods of Ovid and a brother, Pfc. Lynn Maynard with the Army in Italy.


*Clara Taylor

My Family Tree

Clara B. Taylor b. abt. 1873; d. Jan 26, 1946 (Child of Anna Maynard and George Taylor)


*Louis Hermann

My Family Tree – no information available

I did locate a Fannie and Louis Hermann listed in 1942, Covington, Pa. and a note in a paper that a Fannie Hermann died in 1949 in Covington, Pa. There were other ‘Hermann's’ listed in previous years.

A Mystery?


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